Make sure your voice is heard by signing and sharing this advocacy with your family, friends, and neighbors! Together, we can make a difference!

Support Paid Family Leave that fits our Values!
Tell Congress to support Paid Family Leave that fits our values! It takes just two minutes to send quick email here.

Support Health Care Reform
Click here to send an email to Congress tell them “no” to Medicare for all and asking them to pass real Health Care Reform!

End Late-Term Abortion and Infanticide
Ask Congress to pass The Pain Capable Unborn Child Act introduced by Senators Grassley and Ernst in the Senate and by Rep. Chris Smith in the House of Representatives. Click here.

Defend the Second Amendment
The Second Amendment was drafted to protect our First Amendment rights. Take the pledge to stand with Patriot Voices and conservative patriots nationwide in support of the Second Amendment and against efforts to implement “universal background checks. Sign Petition here.